Monday, September 7, 2009

Cambridge Diet - This Sounds Insane!

Brief Cambridge Diet Review

The Cambridge Diet is a very low calorie diet that is extremely popular in the United Kingdom. Once also somewhat popular in the United States, this particular weight loss plan has lost some popularity in the States but is still in use in the UK for morbidly obese individuals. There are a lot of reports online about this eating plan, but it can be hard to figure out which to listen to, especially when many of them are written by individuals who are selling the Cambridge Diet products as affiliates.

This is a very brief review, but I'll chip in my thoughts really quickly. For one, 400 calories a day seems like way WAY too few. The one credit I will give to this eating plan is that the only individuals who are supposed eat this few starting out are dangerously overweight people who really need to shed a lot of pounds in little time from some type of a quick weight loss diet. If you weigh 400, 500, or 600 pounds, losing weight now to help your heart probably is the number one priority.

That being said, no one who isn't at that dangerous level should eat this few calories a day. The one part of this diet that is said to justify those low amounts is that at the beginning stages all 400 calories come from special Cambridge Diet soups and shakes which are designed to be loaded with vitamins and nutrients, as well as containing the minimum roughage the body needs to squeak by.

That said, the goal is to get off of the 400 calorie level as quickly as possible and get to the point where the 400 calories daily from Cambridge Diet products are also supplemented by extra calories from a variety of regular foods. Even with that exception, having levels at 600 calories, 800 calories, and 1,000 calories still seems way too low.

So that's my two cents. Personally I think there are simply better options out there. Feel free in the comments to let me know what you think. If you want a more detailed review, I found this Cambridge Diet Review that seems as fair and balanced as any other one I've been able to actually find.

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